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(2 edits) (+1)(-2)

Is there a playlist for the music used in the game? (Because the musics you chose for the game are soo good)


Sorry for the late reply, been really busy lately and haven't had time to check the messages. Someone made a list in my Discord server~


Hi I really love the game but what is the recent version I kinda wonder if I downloaded the old version and also what is the next version and when it will gonna be released no hate comments I'm just wondering, I really love this game the art style,story,all of it also that one scene šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜


Thank you for playing the game~ The latest version is 0.1.5, and the next update will be 0.2. Please stay tuned for it!


I absolutely love this game and the style that it has, would you be able to put on discord or the credits section the music you used?

(1 edit) (-3)

I will put them in 0.2, and also someone made a list in my Discord server, You can go check it out!


really love your work !!thank u for giving us this masterpiece..waiting for the next update


You speak too highly of me~ Thank you for playing the game, I really appreciate it! Stay tuned for the next update!


Pretty interesting so far. I like the storyline, but the grammar and dialogue need some work. 


I have a few native speakers to help me proofread the next version, so expect grammar to be better.


is this one girl kinda deal or an harem?


Can go both ways~


Well, i really enjoyed this one and i gotta admit it's preety well made (no end to perfection of course, but seems developer is kinda hard on himself so i rly gotta say it). To say more, i ussualy download 6-8 games at once and played them by turns to not get bored of one game (I've played most of nice ones so the ones i played recently wasn't best). And well, this game i just finished in one take which is not common for me, means i enjoyed time i spent :)

But if you will add more choises (even if they're not gonna affect the story, just some dialogue things) its gonna be even better in my opinion

Will add it to my collection and wait for updates, good luck in development ^^


Thank you for playing the game and giving me feedback! I appreciate it very much, and I will try my best to improve it in any way I can :) Stay tuned!


Pretty nice game so far, I hope it gets an update soon :)


Thank you for playing the game!


This is some quality good stuff you got here. I'll be adding this to my collection and reccomendations best of luck :D 


Thank you Vannila for playing the game~ I'm glad you enjoyed it!


Btw there are some bugs when Mc talks to Yaezaki ayase san. Her name still appears on the dialouge when mc is speaking.


Oh someone already reported it to me, but thanks a lot!


Is there maybe a walkthrough or something, if you want to get the best possible ending


There is no best possible endings, just different endings. For the walkthrough, I'll make one in 0.2 as there will be some changes made to 0.1.5.

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

Is the character Kaguya related to the princess kaguya in the fairy tale Hime Kaguya?

for example both Kaguya disappeared?


Oh, they're not really related, but you just gave me an idea XD


This is the most fun game I have ever played besides the Eternal World.And I guess.. are u Chinese? The text is well written and touching for me.Can you tell me what background music is used in the game? Especially the Japanese song when Ayase appeared!šŸ˜šŸ˜


Hello Hepburn~ I'm glad you liked the game. I'm from Taiwan~ The music is Drink, Pray, Love! by Yuinishio. You can join my Discord server,as there is an updated list for music used in the game.


Omg I just played your game and it has one of the best plotline ever.....the characters are so well made and I am glad I got to play this masterpiece, I can't wait for the new update!!


Thank you for playing the game! Iā€™m glad you enjoyed it!




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Is it just me or is your art style very similar to another AVN game called Eternum or is it the other way around?  Like the MC looks very similar but slightly different to the MC from Eternum.  Do you also have some humor in the game?


While I do look up to amazing creators like Caribdis(Eternum), I don't think my style is similar to his. I'm going for a more oriental look for my art style. I would say creating a good looking male character in HS2 is not easy. I'm just trying to make my game look unique and not like an HS game. There will of course be humor in the game, though I don't know if it would fit everyone's taste. Feel free to try the game out and see for yourself :)


I'm sorry, I didn't mean to imply anything bad.  I think the right word would have been influenced by rather than the word similar.  Just from the images I saw on I was impressed, and I did notice the characters do have a more oriental features to them.  Since it appears you're going more oriental with the setting, I wouldn't be surprised if you were to use more Japanese style of humor, which I'm quite used to it since I do love to watch anime.  Though I might not get the reference I'm confident that it will still be funny to me.  Thank KawaiiSukebe for your work and I will definitely try out your game.


I know you didn't mean anything bad. I was just trying to clear some things up~


The aesthetic and the MC is similar to 'My Bully is my Lover' by 'Niichan'. I'd imagine they are stock characters using the same engine... but you can change clothes and hairstyles etc 

You will see this in many games. I'm not sure how much you can customise each one going off the same preset/model.

(1 edit) (+1)(-2)

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The 1.5 update is soo awesome man!!, The music and the storyline is soo good.. Its very well made


Thank you for playing the game mate! I'm glad you liked it~ I have some big things planned for the next update so please stay tuned <3


The girls are really well made and are quite hot.


Thank you for trying the game out<3



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OMG, 1.5 is good man

Those joke in the game is great, each character personality is realistic, their thinking, their past, their relationship,... all of them make this game perfect

one of the best ANV in my teir list

you did a great job, i guess you'll rest for a while before you start working on the next version right ?

No matter how long is it, we can wait, Don't put too much pressure on yourself 


Thank you for your feedback Lkdang2000~ I am taking a break after the update is finished, so please donā€™t worry. I will make the next update even better, so please look forward to it!


This recent update was really great, the later half especially but that's just because I prefer combat scenes over sexual scenes. The amount of content that was in this update was great too especially with how recently the initial launch was. Only advice I could really give is just try to improve your grammar, maybe use Grammarly if possible?


Thank you for playing the game~
I will have proofreader to help me in the next update since I have gotten to know some more English native speaker friends.


åŠ ę²¹ęœŸå¾…ä½ åŽē»­ēš„ę•…



(1 edit) (+1)

So i didnt even play it yet whats the name of the song on the main menu ive legit sat here for 20 min almost listening to it. Also whats up with Dora the Beef Explorer xD

The song is TOKYO NITE by Anna Takeuchi <3. Dora is an easter egg :)


you know what,i knew this it is a good game from the beginning. The way you introduce the game while give us the look of the city like a AAA game is wonderful.

so the next version is in this month right?


Yes, it's about 98% done now, will probably be finished in 2 or 3 more days. So the end of the month. I will be posting here, my Discord, and on Patreon when it's ready. So stay tuned!


This game has great potential and I honestly cant wait to see how it progresses, I'm quite excited for the next update. The quality of this games renders and writing really shows that you have great potential as an author seeing as this is your first game and you're already better than other more experienced authors.


Thank you for such high praises. I'm happy that my effort is appreciated by you guys. The next update is gonna be better than demo and I can't wait to show you guys <3


game was pretty fun ! very nice renders, though I have to say for a vigilante that fights a lot, she doesnt really have much muscle definition (I am biased I like toned women)

looking forward for the next updates !


Thanks for the feedback! The next update is right around the corner~ pls stay tuned.


Just tried this game and so far it's actually pretty good, the story is a bit funny sometimes and the visuals almost look like something out of Caribdis' game "Eternum". Actually everything in this game just reminds me of Eternum, it really has a lot of potential, keep it up!


Oh thank you for your recognition. I was definitely inspired quite a lot by Caribdis and other story rich AVN devs. Please look forward to future updates. :)


HYE, okay so I tried playing this game and I don't regret it. This game surely has a lot of potential to be a great AVN and i cant wait for future updates :>


Thank you for giving it a try:) I'm doing my best to try to make a good game with good story. Stay tuned for the next update~


keep up the good work! 


great game so far. i was wondering because their were no choices so far in the game, is this a kinetic story or will their be choices in the future?


There will be choices in the game! The demo is very short and I intend to introduce the characters and the world settings a bit more before the choices. You will start to encounter some choices from the next update.


glad to hear that. thanks for answering


I just finished playing the demo/version 0.1 and to be honest it's really good. I can see that it really has potential and the story is really good considering it's still on the first version. I really do like the game and it gives me the same vibes I got when playing "Once In a Lifetime" and the developing "Eternum" game of Caribdis. Im really glad I did see this game for the first release. The game is really good and I hope to see the next updates though I don't know when but I'll just come check to see if the next update is released;) I really enjoyed the game. Highly recommend to other who loves to play mystery and other stuff if you know what I mean ;)


Thank you for trying out my game! The next update is being developed currently. You can check my Twitter, Discord or Patreon where I would post weekly progress report about the game. I hope you'll like the next update because it's gonna be even more awesome!


Is this vanilla or will there be corruption, bdsm and such?


This is vanilla all the way :)


I will come back later once theres more content but preview so far is very promising, I really like this kind of Art. Hoping for the best for this game and the dev. Cheers!


Thank you for your kind words. The next version is currently in the works. I'm very excited to bring it to you guys!


i have to say the story and specially the art style is awsom, well done dev


Thank you for trying out the game! Your encouragement is my motivation to make it even better.


Good art, good story, great game. I like it.


Thank you for you encouragement. The next version will fix a lot of the problems that the demo has, and plus more content as well.


the art looks good. I'm already loving it


Thank you! I've put in a lot of time and effort into character designs and scene renders!


I'm sorry that there is no tauren content, but I still respect your story


Great game so far i love it, Keep up the amazing work :)


Thank you for your time! I've received some really helpful feedback, and I'm very motivated to improve on the next update!


Good stuff.


Thank you.


releasee an android version also


I'm currently working on it. It's my first time, so I'm still figuring things out. Thank you for your suggestion :)


I've worked out how to make an Android version! It's out now!


Going to try this out but before I do what kind of tags are we looking at for this game? 

(2 edits) (+10)(-1)

Well, for starters, this is vanilla(pure love), so no NTR. There is mystery in this game, romance, drama. I'm planning on doing solo endings for each heroine and also a harem ending. I'm still working out the details in the later story as well, so some things are subject to change. Thank you for trying my game out, and if possible, please provide feedback in Discord (to avoid spoiler for other people) so I could improve my game in the future.


that saved me a gang boss pledge. no ntr no pledge.


Well, I respect that you're into NTR, but my game is toward the vanilla niche so there will be no such content.


Thanks for considering non harem ending as an option. Since there is a childhood friend, well, I know what I'm going to do lol.

She is a keeper!

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