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KS,thank you for making this game

(3 edits)

I think my post got removed. Sorry I wasn't taking a stab at you. Was just generally asking if assets are shared between other AVN devs. Great game btw. I like this one more then most because it didn't feel like I was jumping from hole to hole every 3 seconds like every other AVN, there's enough story/side stuff between the sex scenes to keep you invested in the story. And now that I've finished the current content depression is gonna set in lol

Jogo maravilhoso que realmente tem uma pegada mais realista, os que estão reclamando não sabem apreciar uma história profunda e com camadas, continue nessa pegada, por que tem vários fã que estão amando o seu trabalho


the book of Change,it must belong to Tzeentch lol

(2 edits) (+1)(-6)

A few Comments show that we're not all 18+ ngl. If you dont like a girl then skip her lil arc if ur not mature enough, the story is great cuz its not like the soulless cliche AVN where all the girls are your pure Maiden and you dont have to romance everyone just grow up at some point the game wont run away by the time you get 18.

Anyways, great game, Love the Art, music and Story ( not to forget the girls we all know that we're here because they look great).I dont know about the choice thing mentioned at the end its pretty perfect right know imo. Yeah choices are nice but only if it doesent make the story worse there a few AVN's that Suffer from that imo. Ah and not to metnion the peak comedy had me a few times. Im hyped for a new Update like many of us, i hope you dont overwork yourself or get the usual talk to your head (cant pronunce her but we all know who i mean) Stay safe :)

Ps:'hey, that Yamada guy is pretty funny!


Its a shame the Chika hate is what the comment section is filled with because this is a genuinely great game but definitely going to cause some people to turn away because of it 


Almsot turned me away but im mature enough to not just judge before even playing it and i tell you i LOVED IT hope the hate calms donw

Anyway, I am back any new to the War?

I think theres bug where the game ask you for name, and I am stuck on it, it didnt appear nor I cant type at all :(

happened to me as well but i just typed it anyways even tho it didn't show up anywhere and then pressed enter.  


You are an artist. The characters, the music, the story development, and the way each character feels alive are simply majestic. Whithout a doubt, this is is one of the best games on these plataforms when it comes to visual novels. It´s a shame you had to go through all that shit just because one character, especially considering you can ignore that character if you want to. At the end of the day, it´s your damn game and you do whatever you want whith it. I just know that you will meet and even surpass the high spectations many of us have for the next update. I´m sure that despite the controversy, both I and thousands of others are eagerly waiting for it. So for now, we´ll let you keep cooking.

(1 edit) (-1)

I actually don't undertand the point of the discussion here. I see people declining to play this avn because there is a character seeming to be a prostitute and additional tag discussion, which is kinda pointless remembering it is an unfinished story? I'm interested in finding out what the most important point in dispute here is. However, there is no question that it is not right how little respect prostitutes get in this comment section and how much hatred the profession receives. Feel free to discuss the avn as much as you like, but unnecessary hate is the limit of your own opinion. Don't be surprised if you are no longer taken seriously. 

(9 edits)

i did a quick scan through some comments before downloading the game, and i only have a single question: can i just tell the girl to f off (in general, like, not even help her with anything she needs) and not bother me anymore?

if not, then it's my suggestion for the dev to prevent the yappers from yapping and prevent him from stressing out over a pointless discussion

it's quite simple to just add a choice to remove anything, even remotely, related to her to solve this whole situation, because Netorase (where the girl is whored but you still start a relationship with her, that looks like chika's situation after only reading the comments, and is a part of the Netorare genre), can still trigger some past traumas for certain people, just like netori (another part of Netorare), where you're the one who gets the girl, some people cannot handle any kind of netorare 

i'll be playing the game, and if i think it's worth it, maybe i'll give it a try and get to know chika's backstory ._.

it's as simple as that


i played the game and i don't think she is actually a prostitute..
during the scene where you can have sex with her as a reward, if you choose no and hug/ or kiss her (i don't remember), she alluded to not having sex, or it having been a long time.
i think it's more of a geisha vibe with her.
like paid companion/ friend/ girlfriend with no sex. i believe she was abused in the past and developed trauma from it.
also don't understand why everyone wants to have every girl, if you don't like her, don't get her.


I'm new here and i have no idea wtf is going on


Chika (ingame character) is canonically a prostitute and a lot of players are not happy about it. Just play the game, don't worry about the community


Well i was hoping to come back after months of waiting but i seen the comments that there is a prostitute

hell nah bro im outta here

truly a waste,it has such good character design tho


Hello, just wanted to leave my thoughts because I'm more interested now after the latest update than before because these characters have so much more depth than I previously thought. Keep it up. 

Also its a AVN I would hope they would have some plot and character development without being afraid so show adult content, rather than some sex simulator or some waifu collecting.


Get a life haters. Sometimes when I read y'all comments it feels like I am reading some brainless creature's yapping who can't differ between real life and virtual life. Go join school again to understand what figure of speech and perspective is, crying aloud for petty things like losers. No wonder half of y'all are bitchless or even worse living life with  zero women interaction.

Agree bro, but if you're girl doesn't please you and you run to play sex games that's just sad man.


Bro is typing " it feels like I am reading some brainless creature's yapping who can't differ between real life and virtual life " while PERSONALLY insulting other PEOPLE 😂


Don't judge the character yet just wait for the new update and the story of chika ,we don't even know what will happen next so let the developer Cooked. Let's just wait don't be a toxic..


Just read the wall of text and scanned through some of the comments.

The vn is still at v0.3 so its still early to judge or base it under what people in the comments say, so I will give it a try and will draw up my own conclusion after v0.7


yeah bro, patiently sit over few years and dont tell your opinion.


Usually in this cases is better to tell early if something dosent work so the Dev can take the feedback and change things now that is early .

Not this dev he knows better that all of US yeah..... Also he is comparing a girl having experience whit a prostitute yeah sure whit that logic Milfs dont be the most popular Girls in this type of games yeah 

Is not the same sell your ass for money to old guys that have past relationships and have a past sexual live i Hope dev can pull out the stick that he has stuck on his ass and start taking feedback 


Hey, that Yamada guy is pretty funny!


Is bro really trying to say past expirience with someone and active prostitute its same? I didnt play game yet, but i like drama around.

Same bro same


Damn.  I was gonna try this out, as the characters look great... but thankfully I checked the comments.  DEFINITELY not my kind of game or my kind of girls.   Good graphics tho.  Peace!


There is literally just one girl in the game that is a prostitute, and you dont have to go for her if you dont want to. Hell most of the other girls are virgins.

this game have Chinese translate? owo



We need update:)


Look guys am I the only one who liked the music, memes and anything other then how are the girls I loved all the memes made my day and I hope someone will do a Playlist with the songs I know some of them not all. As for the girls I loved the design and how the development went as of now,and we need to give applause to the endings I laugh so hard and I hope you will do the always. 

I hope you read this! I can't wait for what is coming next don't rush it just take you're time and keep us posted 

Love from România 🙂




Hey KS, I just wanna say I've been playing this avn of ur from v0.1 and it's really really great. I just thought it might be the right time to write this cuz u said at the end credit that we can share our experience or request u for some improvement that we think are right for the vn. Bt don't get me wrong I'm not trying to say that ur avn has flaws, don't worry ur game has some top notch art design and a really good plot. So there's nothing for u to worry about. And I'm not writing this just bcuz u asked us to share our opinion, I've been wanting to to write this so I can share just how much we appreciate ur work. 

And here comes the request part, I just wanna request u some things and that is .....

1. Can u pls add a thin black outline on the letters.... Cuz whenever there's a white background the dialogues became kinda hard to read. Bt if u think this is unnecessary then u don't have to put it cuz maximum time the background is kinda darkish, so it's not really big issue.

2. Secondly, can u pls put something like affection meter in game that show after each choice which girl's affection increase or didn't increase or decrease. U can put it in the top of left or right corner of the screen. It can work as a walkthrough of the game too. I just thought it might be good Idea cuz we'll know that we are on the right path and I don't know why bt I've been missing the galary scenes, there's 5 locked scenes and I don't know how to unlock it.

I'll be greatful if u do this and thank you for reading my long-ass comment.😅

Have a great day.


thank you for this game 🫶🏻


Ok, I just got here... And god damn! What's happening down there? 🤣


Bunch of people surprised there's a well designed character that isn't a perfect princess. 

Would recommend they play Pale Carnations and Wicked Rouge. More wholesome games befitting of their preferences, vanilla and all.


Oh! That's funny lol


A well designed character doesn't get bait and switched into a NTR/NTS

(1 edit) (+3)(-9)

Neither of which Chika falls under.

Also her very first (significant) appearance she outright states that she sleeps with Yakuza. At this point she hasn't even met MC.

Did you even play the game?


Bait? She literally tells you she is a prostitute before tou can make any move on her. That is not bait, that is like the contrary of it.

(2 edits) (+4)

It's funny how creating a girl with sad backstory who prostitutes herself is "well designed character". I am guessing virgins and girls with morals are boring for you given you recommend pale carnations too. Literally every second media or AVN has that bro, you are gonna find more sluts and prostitutes in these VNs than virgins 😂

(2 edits) (+1)(-9)

When I said "well designed" I was more referring to outward appearance. My game recommendations were sarcasm, in case you missed that. They're games about prostitution without NTR. Not trying to criticise the games in any way.

Sure virgins are great and all, but I would think the latter is more important. For all the aforementioned games, all the 'prostitutes' wouldn't be doing that in an ideal world. They're all victims of circumstance. And hey, if that's still not your thing, that's perfectly fine. 90% of the dialogue choices on the Chika route as of v0.3 is literally progress route OR end route. And if her very presence disgusts you that much there's always the exit.

And yeah non-virgins crop up in many AVNs as you say, and surprise surprise, real life too, its not so much about what I find boring or interesting, I was just making a jab at people with unrealistic expectations.

(1 edit) (+4)(-2)

Yeah I have no problem with Chika since it's easy to end her route like I said below in my comment. It's just annoying to see these types now since VNs are filled with them. And again that real life point never made sense to me when discussing fiction because well it's not real life. You got all these types in real life so atleast fck some pure ones in fiction lol 


Filled with? My good man it's literally one girl among other six (if memory serves me right) that are the pure ones that you are looking for. If the dev wants to add some variety (that you can totally avoid if you want to) I dont see why is so terrible.


WW 3 😂 😂


Thanks but no thanks

also im confused. Is starlight the dev or not?


guess who i am?

(2 edits) (+1)

No. I won't guess. 


NTR tag is missing. 

Never forget the 3 categories of NTR.

Netorare - the girl is stolen from the MC.

Netori - MC steals the girl.

Netorase - The girl is shared/whored.

Chika is in the Netorase category. 

Dev. Please use proper tags so your audience isn't deceived.




She isn't your girl tho? And whether she continues her prostitution after she becomes an LI remains to be seen, so no tag needed for the moment.


To my knowledge the MC can sleep with chika before seeing her with the client at the hotel?

I've seen another person comment this. 

So is she an LI or not?

If she is then it is NTR.

I admit i haven't played 0.3 yet. 

And the self deconstruction from both the comments and KS make me want to avoid this gem turned dumpster fire.

(1 edit) (+2)(-3)

You can. But there was no romantic advances or any indication that there will be at that point. If anything choosing to sleep with her at that specific point is an outright creep move. Complete, utter fumble. There's a reason if you choose to do so, you unlock the scene but you don't get +relation points.

Is she an LI or not?

Good question. Depends on how you view it. It is because of the intro that we have the impression she is a possible LI. If that wasn't there you'd view her as a side character and most these people complaining won't even give two hoots that she sells herself. 

Yes, knowing her past isn't great and its nothing to brag about. But, the character was a victim of circumstance and it is your role as the MC to take the responsible path of helping her (presumably). 

If you think her past knowing the context is still a done deal, not a problem, KS isn't forcing you onto her lmao. As I mentioned in one of the other comments, as of 0.3 virtually 90% of her dialogue choices is proceeding or ending her route. All these people raging in the comments cucking themselves. 

And please, next time don't start correcting the author and its playerbase when you haven't even played the update. Its perfectly fine if the whole onset theme is not for you. But rage baiting when not knowing is a sign of immaturity, something the game does seem to reveal in much of the comment section.

*Additionally, Netorare/ri/rase only applies when the character is in a relationship. You can feel free to tag her as a prostitute or whore or whatever you like, but its not NTR. Hence, wrong tag.


Like happiness tag missing from your life.. noted


Man I just keep coming back here to see the fighting hahahaha.




😳 😳 😳 😳

(1 edit) (+5)(-9)

Loving the game so far, only just finished v0.2, but I've got to ask, is this game not a harem novel? In order to get the first scene with ayase, I had to somewhat reject Miharu. or am I just missing something? 

Either way, quality is great, characters well written and the story is interesting. Good work

EDIT: finished the game, and I just want to say that so far Chika is an excellently written character, and I hate peoples obsession with virginity. Thanks for such a diverse cast.


provided that I believe Chika's character is better as it is it may be better to be clear about that from the first release so that kids don't have a chance to fall in love with her before discovering that she's different. Also if you guys think this is NTR you have no idea about what actual NTR is. I suggest you all grow a pair before it actually happens to you in real life.

(1 edit) (+4)(-6)

Damn guys being different nowadays means being a prostitute it seems and mature adults like that loose, flappy lips on pussy. Pack up kids 😤

Why mine not working when I open it exit me from the game


Dear Dev-san

I read your comment about Chika and I'm 100% with you! It is quite easy to judge people like her, but out of my personal experience, I know that there allways is a reason for the state people like Chika are in and it is nor easy to get closer to them 'cause they learnd to be veeeery careful before they start trusting you. But if they do, they might become the best friends you ever had! So I'm glad, you'll not bend to those hypocrits who just want to have a simple AVN with easy to get sexscenes but nothing else to worry about. Keep up with your way - it's fantastic (even if I allways have troubles waiting for the next update ;-) ).

I have really enjoyed this avn. Amazing job!


After reading and getting tons of spoilers let me ask one thing, Is this game does not have where you can reject the character by talking to you or the character or Just by avoiding that one character you don't like?

I am here for the story and I HATE PROSTITUTE because who would want to eat leftovers food? Surely The Desperate peasant people.

Ohh I forgot to read the developer statement.... Well I already comment it so.... Just making sure hehehe.


Don't worry you can reject her

Nice, thank you brother 

(1 edit) (+6)

Damn blud, is starlight devs alt or is his life really revolving around this AVN now. I scrolled below because it's a fun comment section ngl and the amount of replies that guy did here is greater than the total comments I have across platform IG 😂


He fucked Up and can grasp that people in a harem Game dont want to date a prostitute and he is fighting off the people that are decieved after the first updates i find It very funny that take out one of the better Girls to make her a secondary LI for chika a girl that prostitutes herself sorry but no i dont want to get a ets and dont involve miself in a drama for a girl that we see exiting a hotel room whit an old Guy sorry but i dont like to eat an over eating ice crean that have the salivas and worst thing of others Girls .


😳 😳 😳


Well.... 😂

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